Student Spotlight: Maddie Meissner
location: Barcelona, Spain
Where did you go abroad and when did you go?
“I went abroad to Barcelona, Spain in Spring of 2020!!”
Why did you go abroad?
“I chose to go abroad because I wanted a chance to travel and learn with in a new culture, while trying new food and exploring new countries every weekend”.
What advice do you have to give to anyone who is thinking about going abroad?
“Some advice I have for people who are thinking about going abroad is to do it if you have the chance, even if it might not fit in with your college program or plans. It was probably the best part of college for me and although I didn’t get to finish my semester abroad because of COVID, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I hope to go abroad again once I graduate and get to visit the places, I didn’t have a chance to go to before the semester ended!!”