Student Spotlight: Nathan Foster

*This was written fall 2021*
Where did you go abroad and when did you go?
“I am currently abroad in Tainan, Taiwan. I have been here for almost 2 months now, and I’ll be staying until the end of November.”
Why did you go abroad?
“I made the decision to go abroad to further develop my Mandarin language skills. In addition to having more opportunities to speak Mandarin (every day!) I also get to immerse myself in the daily life and culture of the people of Taiwan.”

What advice do you have to give to anyone who is thinking about going abroad?
“For anyone thinking of going abroad, I would say 100% go for it. If money is an issue that may be holding you back, there are plenty of scholarships out there you can apply for to assist in that department. I have only been abroad for a short time so far but have already learned so much about myself and the world from getting to talk with local Taiwanese and other foreigners from different home countries.”
